Ok this is fun for the older kids in the program. Print out a Sheldon, Pee Wee, or Kiwi and laminate it(this will help so it doesn’t get ruined). Then this is what you can have your youth members do.
1.) Create list of people friends/family to have the laminated image mailed to.
2.) Put your contact info as the last person on the list.
3.) Take a picture of you and the laminated image and keep it with you.
4.) Mail laminate image with list to first family or friend on the list
5.) Ask family member/friend to take a picture or pictures somewhere special of the laminated image
* out on a tractor, at the pool, at work with them, ect
6.) Have family or friend send laminated picture to next person with the images they took.
* You can also have them email there images to you and you can print it out. This will save mailing costs and prevent from needing a larger envelope.
7.) Once you get the laminated image back in the mail, take another picture with it.
8.) You can now put all the pictures together to make an album of the journey your figurine went on from start to finish.
The credit union could have the printed out laminated images that could be handed out to the kids. Then you could ask your youth members to bring in some of those images and share them in the credit union by placing them on a bulletin board or displaying them somewhere for people to see.